Health Benefits of Carrots

Health Benefits of Carrots

Originated from Asia, carrot is an edible root vegetable gaining huge popularity among Western countries. When talked about its health benefits, carrots are known to be the store house of immense vitamins and minerals. This vegetable is consumed in a tasty way to add up extra nutrition in your diet. Carrot provides rich source of vitamin A diet. This nutrient rich vegetable is grown easily throughout the year and is loved by both adults and children. This vegetable is liked by both adults and kids because of its crunchy texture and sweet taste. After potatoes carrots are believed to be the second most on demand type of vegetable.

Health Benefits of Carrots

Composition of Carrots in 100 grams


Nutrition per value in 100gm




0.93 (g)

Fat Total

0.24 (g)


9.58 (g)

Fiber - Total

2.80 (g)

Sugar - Total

4.54 (g)


33.00 (mg)


0.30 (mg)


12.00 (mg)


35.00 (mg)


320.00 (mg)


69.00 (mg)


0.24 (mg)


0.04 (mg)


0.14 (mg)


0.10 (mg)

Vitamin C

5.90 (mg)


0.07 (mg)


0.06 (mg)


0.98 (mg)


0.14 B6 (mg)

Folate - Total

19.00 (mcg)

Food - Folate

19.00 (mcg)

Folate - DFE

19.00 (mcg_DEF)

Vitamin B12

0.00 (mcg)

Vitamin A

12036.00 (IU)


0.00 (mcg)

Vitamin E

0.66 (mg)

Vitamin K

13.20 (mcg)

Fat - Saturated

0.04 (g)

Fat - Monounsaturated

0.01 (g)

Fat - Polyunsaturated

0.12 (g)


0.00 (mg)


Below are several health advantages associated with carrots:

Cancer prevention:

Carrots contains huge amount of beta carotene, this substance helps to reduce wide range of cancers such as; lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. According to the researchers at Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences i.e. DIAS suggested that a substance known as falcarinol is present in carrots; this substance reduces the risk of cancer. A study conducted claims that on regular consumption of raw carrots it has reduced one-third the chances of developing colon cancer.

Improve Vision:

We all know carrot is a store house of vitamin A. Human retina requires vitamin A to function the eyes. Deficiency of vitamin A results in night blindness. Carrots have beta-carotene i.e.  a substance that transforms into vitamin A in the liver. In addition, beta-carotene helps to fight against macular degeneration and develop a shield against cataracts. A research found that those who consume Beta-carotene had shown 40% lower the risk of any eye disease.

Prevent heart disease:

Many studies showed that eating diet rich in carotenoids helps to lower the chances of heart diseases. It is also believed that daily intake of this vegetable reduces cholesterol levels. Presence of soluble fiber in carrots helps to balance the blood cholesterol levels by removing cholesterol along with bile acids.

Prevent stroke:

Studies from Harvard University claims that people consuming around six carrots in a week are not subjected to suffer a stroke.

Provide skin nourishment:

Most skin experts and beauty specialist recommend consuming carrot as they have strong cleansing properties to detoxify the liver. If your body is free from toxins you’ll be less prone towards acne or any kind of pimple formation. Carrot helps to cure uneven skin tones, pigmentation etc. Presence of vitamin A and other useful nutrients helps to nourish the skin, skin blemishes and prevent dry skin.

Prevent aging:

Carrot has strong beta-carotene properties that act as an antioxidant. These antioxidants help to fight against your body’s cell damage and slow down premature aging of cells. Carrot also helps to fight against negative components associated with aging.

Dental Health:

Carrots work wonders to help maintain and clean your teeth. They are the best way to clean your mouth after eating anything. Carrots feature as natural abrasives and help to discard all your sticky dirt from your gums and teeth. This vegetable also boast to secrete too much of saliva thus it helps to remove all your teeth stains. Mineral content in carrot kills germs and prevent tooth decay.

Prevent digestive disorders:

As mentioned earlier, chewing of carrots increases secretion of saliva, increased saliva trigger fast digestion by providing necessary minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Keeping carrot in your diet reduces the risk of other digestive disorder and gastric ulcer. A glass of carrot juice is useful during appendicitis, intestinal colic, peptic ulcer, dyspepsia and colitis.

Provide relief from constipation:

Carrot and spinach juice along with few amount of lemon juice is used as a natural remedy to cure constipation.

Fight against diarrhoea:

Carrots act as a hydrating agent and replenish with potassium, sodium, sulphur, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus etc. It also helps to control the growth of diarrhoea causing bacteria and stops vomiting.

Uses of carrots:

If you want to stay healthy, all you need to do is have a glass of carrot juice. Carrots can be either used as a health drink along with the pulp or consumed after cooking or eaten raw in salads. There are no side effects on using carrots.

Some of the useful recipes of carrots:

  1. For a quick and healthy carrot recipe you need to grate carrots, mix the grated carrots with chopped green chillies, grated coconut, lime juice, chopped coriander leaves and salt to taste. Season the salad with mustard and ghee.
  2. For a carrot soup you need to heat butter in a pan then add chopped onions, cloves of garlic fry till it gets tender. Then add chopped carrots and cook for 10 to 15 minutes then add vegetable stock and bring it to boil. Once done add salt and pepper. Then add this mixture in a food processor. Before serving just add yogurt or some fresh cream.


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