Hair Restoration

 Hair Restoration

Hair is the ultimate problem of modern society. This is the only obsession shared between men, women, teenagers, retirees, film stars and who not. Hair styling, texture, color and care not only define ones personality but also describe the nature as well. It shows how tidy, untidy or smart we are. It also represents how manageable and caring are we.

Hairs are definitely the glamorous part of any individual and that’s why some poets have written lengthy poems about the hair of their lovers. Their style or cutting entirely changes the outlook of a person and he is judged according to that outlook.

While dressing these days, today the biggest problem of any individual is that he or she doesn’t have hairs according to their desire and most of the people face that because of baldness or hair fall.

Baldness can be Strenuous Mentally

The consequences of the baldness or high hair fall are the biggest stress of this time. People live in trauma that are bald or are getting bald. The fear of not looking good kills them inside and according to a research people getting or are bald are psychologically unstable and women suffer from it badly. They are psychologically more affected by the hair loss than men. They put a lot of effort to look beautiful, and therefore require good looking and healthy hairs but hair fall badly affects this need of them. Men also feel embarrassed because of hair fall.

Causes for the Hair Loss

There are a lot of causes of hair fall, but the main cause for the hair fall is that it’s hereditary i.e. people get hair loss in their genes from their parents and therefore its almost impossible to avoid it. Therefore hair restoration comes at rescue for this issue.

Restore Hair

Hair restoration is the medical and surgical treatment of various forms of hair loss. This is the only solution for us to remain handsome or beautiful through out our live. This is the most effective and permanent way of restoring hair, equally useful for me and women.

Major Ways of Hair Restoration

Currently there are three major ways of hair restoration namely, medical hair restoration, hair transplant surgery and Follicular Unit transplantation. When we talk about medical hair restoration, it includes all the hair loss and re-grows your hair products available in the market for both men and women. The effectiveness of these products is at time dubious and even unhealthy. Although these do-it-yourself hair products are a risk, they are cheaper and faster to access. But if they come without the approval of FDA (Food and Drug Administration of U.S.A) they are fairly useless.

The Most Effective Way

The most effective method of hair restoration is Surgical Hair Restoration, a complete surgery that restores your hair. It’s permanent, individualized and expert method of hair restoration. One of the effective and oldest surgical methods of hair restoration is the “Strip Incisions’ in which some hairs from the other part of the scalp are taken and then are planted at the empty scalp to get rid of the baldness. This is the oldest surgery method but some dermatologists still perform it because of its effectiveness.

What is Micro-grafting

Another surgical method of hair restoration is the micro-grafting. This is actually the refined form of the treatment of strip incision. The process is same i.e. hairs are taken from the other part of the head and are transplanted on the scalp with no hairs, but it is more comfortable and gives faster healing.

Micro-grafting is replaced by follicle unit extraction. It is similar to the others but requires less anesthesia therefore, the patient can see what’s going on.

Mini-micro grafting is the replacement of follicle unit extraction. It is similar to follicular unit extraction, with the main difference being that the graft size is determined by the doctor. The individual cuts the donor tissue into pieces of a size they deem appropriate.

With the mini-micro grafting procedure, surgeons use a multi-bladed knife to quickly generate thin strips of tissue and then use direct visualization (rather than microscopic control) to cut the tissue. The resulting grafts are generally larger than follicular units and since the excess skin is not trimmed away the donor sites (wounds) are also larger. Its procedure requires less staff of doctors and is also cost effective giving natural, superior and undetectable results. The main features of this surgery includes no scarring, faster healing of the wounds of the donor parts of the scalp, no stitching, no  bandaging to keep hairs in place, more natural look and its effectiveness to transplant large amount of grafts at one time resulting in fewer sessions.


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