How to speed up metabolism

How to speed up metabolism

It is the process by which your body converts calories from food into energy. People often believe that a slim person’s metabolism fast, and at obese persons it`s  slow , but that’s not always the case.

Metabolism is not the only factor that determines your weight. It depends on the balance of calories you consume, opposite to burned calories.

If you take more calories than you need, you gain weight.

If you are taking fewer calories than you need, you lose weight.

Metabolism is like an engine that burns these calories and the scale that regulates your calorie needs.

Your metabolism (the amount of calories that your body burns each day) involves three key things:

  1. Basic needs – known as the basal metabolic rate, which covers the calories needed to maintain vital body functions; “Fuel” for organs, breathing, blood circulation, regulate hormone levels, growth and cell renewal. Basal metabolic rate includes 66% -75% of total calories that are needed daily for body.
  2. Digestion and absorption of food – about 10% of daily calories going in digestion and absorption of food you eat.
  3. Physical activity – Exercise, depending on how active you are during the day, is calculated as a means of burning calories.


Here are some factors that influence the metabolism and can not be controlled:

  • Age – metabolism naturally slows about 5% per decade after the age of forty. This is mainly because, the older we get, the more we lose muscle mass and increase fat. Muscle mass without fat is metabolically more active than fat tissue. So, when you lose muscle, your metabolism slows down.
  • Gender – Men generally have a faster metabolism than women because they are larger and have less fat naturally. It was found that 10-15% of men have a higher basal metabolic rate than women.
  • Hypothyroidism – less active thyroid gland slows metabolism and inevitably leads to weight gain. Good news: A simple blood test can determine this condition and with the appropriate medication, your metabolism will return to normal.
  • Genetics – Some people are lucky enough to be born with a fast metabolism, while others are not.


Here are some things that can help to speed up  metabolism:

  • Do not eat fewer than 1,000 calories! Your body and metabolism depend on the food. When  you’re on a diet or decrease below 1000 calories, your metabolism will slow down – in response to energy conservation. Imagine that your metabolism blazing fire … Keep the fire consistently, the appropriate amount of quality wood, and it will continue to flames. If there is no wood, the fire goes out. With too much wood – it is getting out of hand, just like your waist!
  • Eat every 4-5 hours! Our body works hard to digest and absorb the food you eat, so the metabolism is under “full” gas. This is called the thermal effect of food. Arrange meals and snacks every 4-5 hours.
  • Have your breakfast a priority! Research shows that people who regularly eat healthy breakfast within two hours of getting up, have a better chance to control their weight. Maybe it’s because they raise their metabolic rate, as it was at rest overnight.
  • Protein with every meal! Eating all kinds of food products and a small thermal effect will accelerate metabolism after eating. However, consumption of protein causes the biggest metabolic acceleration, when compared with carbohydrates and fats. Also, taking the proper amounts of protein will ensure  the maintenance of muscle mass. Eat the proper amount of protein each day.

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