Ankle sprain - An overview
Ankle sprain
An injured ankle has varied names like ankle sprain, rolled ankle, twisted ankle; ankle injury etc. an ankle gets injured if one or some of ligaments around the ankle get damaged partially or fully if met with an accident or hurt while playing or any activity.
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Ankle sprain |
Causes of Ankle sprain
Sprains occur while ankle or foot is rotated or twisted to a degree that is beyond that of what is normally allowed. When a person lands after an extreme or intense jump or in someone who’s running onto an irregular surface often ankle sprains are more likely to occur. Another reason that supports the ankle sprains is the stretching of ligaments holding on the ankle and bones around in position. These ligaments only are responsible for guarding the ankles from unusual twisting and turning of ankles. So some care is always necessary to avoid these ankle sprains.
Some factors that contribute to amplified risks of sprains in the ankle are:
- Feeble muscles/tendons going through ankle joint, particularly through sideway facet. (i.e. peroneal muscles);
- If the ligaments joining the bones around ankle are Weak or loose due to any reason like excessive stretching etc.
- Running on irregular surfaces consistently.
- Wearing shoes with poor heel support.
- Wearing routinely high -heels – that weakens the position of ankle joint keeping them at higher stature.
Ankle Sprain Symptoms and Signs
When inflammation and tissue injury occur ankle is said to be sprained. Leaky blood vessels permit fluid to trickle into the malleable tissue adjacent to the joint. White blood corpuscles are accountable for inflammation drift to the vicinity thereby increasing the blood flow. The following signs symbolize inflammation:
- Swelling occurs due to trickled fluid within the tissue.
- Pain: The sensitive nerves start paining and joints start pulsating. Worse pain is experienced when the swelled region is pressed or is moved in some direction. Standing and walking too becomes absolutely difficult.
Ankle Sprain Diagnosis
The doctor examines the ankle physically for a fracture or any other sort of severe injury that needs to be operated immediately.
- The examination is supposed to ensure that the arteries or nerves near the foot are not hurt and the leg and the knee are not involved.
- The doctor will clasp the foot, moves into various directions to determine which of the bones are related to the troubled ankle
Treating the sprained Ankle
Self-Care at Home
Homecare helps relieving of pain and assists healing. Inflammation being the root cause our main motto is to get rid of inflammation as soon as possible.
Remember RICE: where R is for rest, I for ice, C for compression, and E means elevation.
- R stands for Rest:
protects the inflamed tissue from further stress and pressure. Also keeps the injured portion unapproachable.
your ankle joint some rest by employing props or braces.
In extra severe sprains crutches are employed.
- Ice
is just the perfect treatment when comes to ankle sprain.
- Although
application of ice doesn’t sound like but it does most for the pain relief even
better than medications frequently.
- The
augmented blood flow is counteracted by ice to reduce swelling, soreness and
redness of the injured region.
Ice Treatment
Avoid direct contact of ice and skin either by using ice bags or by using a towel in between. Apply it for 20 minutes at a stretch. Keep minimum time difference of 30 minutes between two such applications. This prevents occurring of frostbite, a problem that arises on direct application of ice on skin or treating by ice for a long period.
Other treatments
- Compression
(method using “strapping”) provides firmness and eventually prevents inflammation.
- Elastic wraps
like Ace bandages also help as they bring ankles to temporary halts. Reduced movement ultimately means reduced pain and reduced inflammation.
- Elevating the ankle
(raising the injured spot at a greater height) provides the body to absorb the leaked fluid from the tissue.
Ideally, support the ankle with a crutch so that it doesn’t suffer excessive pain.
Medical Treatment
Inflammation is reduced to a huge level by application of ice on the paining part. If it doesn’t work a doctor should be visited. Even the first thing done by doctors is also use of ice.
- The doctor might opt for cast of braces so that ankle motion reduces. Another option is of crutches that prevent excessive weight from falling on effected ankle.
- Medications referred usually by doctors are the one that reduce -inflammatory pain and control it. In case patient has problem with these drugs narcotics or acetaminophen (Tylenol) are tried.
Ankle Sprain Prevention
Prevention of Ankle sprain may be as easy as reading a magazine or as intricate as balancing body mass on a toe.
- Strengthen the ankles by doing exercise on regular basis. Physiotherapist can also be consulted for some exercises that make ankles flexible and strong.
- Weak ankles need support while playing, so taping them can provide with required additional support. When one is suffering from constant or recurring sprains, trying of ankle braces during the play may really help.