best sports drink

 Best sports drink

There are many sports drinks: energy drinks, drinks for recovery, isotonic, protein, antic-catabolic drinks, and below we will focus on those who are most important to rehydrate and quick restoration of energy – isotonic drinks and drinks with higher carbohydrate content.

The importance of proper hydration

Body fluids and electrolyte balance are essential segments for optimal physiological functions of the body. During physical activity, physical work, or due to exposure to excessive heat can develop some degree of dehydration, which causes the change in the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluid. Dehydration adversely affect the results, hinders thermoregulation and long-term aerobic exercise and adversely affect cognitive function. Dehydration may occur if sweating intensively or if there is little opportunity to drink during training / competition.

Water – best to drink, yes or no

Yes, it is, but in case the intense sweating, the water will serve as the best source for fluid replacement. To understand this better, we will make partition in hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic drinks. As the osmotic pressure of a real conductor of the relationship between the body’s cells and fluid that surrounds them, every active athlete should know that about 9/10 of osmotic pressure in body fluids is regulated precisely by electrolytes, and only 1/10 by carbohydrates and other substances. The largest number of drinks to rehydrate is isotonic (concentration of electrolyte ions is as in the blood). Hypertonic solutions have a concentration of ions that is higher than in the blood plasma, having a higher osmotic pressure than blood, and  are designed with the aim of filling storage of glycogen in muscle. Hypotonic drinks can provide adequate amounts of fluid, but have an extremely low content of carbohydrates and electrolytes, such as some threads of mineral water, and of course, distilled water. The purpose of adjusting the ion concentration of the electrolyte in the blood plasma is clear: it is best not to have the disorder, neither in a plus neither in a minus, because it can bring negative consequences. So, if an athlete has a handy hypertonic drink, it should “remodel” the isotonic by diluting it with water.

The conclusion is that the water has a lower osmolarity than the blood plasma, and is not in accordance with body fluids and therefore is briefly retained in the stomach, and after that is rapidly excreted in the urine taking a part of the minerals from the body. Whether you are dealing with physical activity, doing physically demanding work or just sitting in the office or somewhere in the sun our body secretion of sweat cools and defend against high temperatures. The sweating process itself loses the fluidity necessary and more importantly  required  electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and others. Together with the lost water is necessary to compensate and extracted electrolytes since they have multiple tasks in the body; participate in acid balance, maintain plasma volume and membrane potential, the transport processes and the transmission of nerve impulses. Sweating process itself loses the fluidity necessary and more importantly  required  electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and others. Together with the lost water is necessary to compensate and extracted electrolytes since they have multiple tasks in the body; participate in acid balance, maintain plasma volume and membrane potential, the transport processes and the transmission of nerve impulses.

What are the purpose of sports (isotonic, energy) drinks:

  • Fluid replacement.
  • Prosthetic key electrolytes (Na, K).
  • Restoration of reserves of carbohydrates in the muscles (glycogen).
  • Improving the overall physical and mental performance for serious athletes.


Isotonic drinks have the same osmolarity as the blood plasma, which is why they are ideal for rapid fluid replacement. One of the most important characteristics of these drinks has been just velocity fluid replacement and accelerated recovery efforts, therefore, are the main consumers of these beverages athletes exposed to long-lasting effort, and all the more recreational athletes and physically active people who reach for such products.

In addition to these benefits, these drinks are handy and have a pleasant, refreshing taste.

How and when to take energy drinks

Generally, energy drinks should be taken when training takes longer than 60 minutes, and preferably during the training or during competition. The simplest is to prepare the drink in your water bottle and take every 15 minutes after a few sips. If the weather is humid and hot, drink larger quantities and more often. In addition to professional athletes, a period when increased sweating is happening, non-physically active persons can also use isotonic drinks.


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